The Resistance Report: Synara’s Score

Ready for another Resistance Report? I hope so, ’cause I’m always up for more Resistance! Join me as I dig into some of the most interesting and intriguing story elements in Synara’s Score.

Contains spoilers from Resistance episodes Fuel For The Fire, The High Tower, Signal From Sector Six, and Synara’s Score. Also a couple character arc-related spoilers from TCW and Rebels that hopefully you know already.


So, when I said we’d be digging into some of the most interesting and intriguing story elements this episode, I was mainly thinking of one big specific story element — the unexpected friendship that forms between Tam and Synara. But it’s a story element with a lot of little story elements worth taking the time to chew on. Don’t worry, there will be some Twilight’s Highlights at the end to add some extra flavor 🙂

As soon as I saw Tam and Synara chatting and sharing life stories (sort of), I couldn’t help but instantly hurt for Tam. It wasn’t that long ago we learned how she’d befriended Hype — and then that he’d decided he was too cool to hang with her. And now, here she is befriending someone we know to be a doublecrossing pirate! But yet, I so understand. Tam really really needs a sister. How could she not want that when she’s stuck at her work-home with Kaz and Neeku all the time? Having a gal-pal to talk to makes all the difference when you’ve got a brother (or two, in Tam’s case) at home, I know that from experience! Plus, they already have a lot in common — shared aspirations, a shared interest in mechanics. The only thing better than a gal-pal is a gal-pal who just gets you!

It’s heartbreaking to think that Tam could get hurt all over again. Like I’ve said before, what’s made Tam such an interesting character thus far is that she comes off suspicious and jaded, but she clearly craves friendship. She needs people in her life who care, who encourage, who stand by her. She doesn’t have her real family to do that for her, so she looks to those who could be thicker-than-blood friend-family. It’s not that she doesn’t have that in some ways, of course. Kaz and Neeku are her adoptive bros. However, I think Tam hasn’t yet taken the time to truly appreciate their friendship. Perhaps, like Kaz (as I discussed on Fuel For The Fire), Tam has this very particular idea of what a real friend’s supposed to look like. Something seemingly bigger and better than just the folks she’s stuck with. But what I hope Tam and Kaz ultimately learn, whatever happens, is that best friends rarely come in perfect packages. It’s not just the friends who never annoy you, never argue with you, and always share your favorite things. Thicker-than-blood family is made of people who care, encourage, and stand by you, whether they “get you” or not. Maybe that’s what it’s really supposed to be when someone “gets you” — something deeper than lunch break hangouts and common interests.

But with that being said, this doesn’t mean that Tam and Synara aren’t destined to be soul-sisters. I was so pleasantly surprised to see the respect on Synara’s face when Tam saved her. But yet, maybe not as surprised as I could’ve been. Though Synara only speaks vaguely of her past, and under the guise of her scavenger alter-ego, there’s little doubt that she had to have come from hard times to be a pirate. That shared desire for something greater has to be genuine. Plus, as far as I know, Kragan’s crew is mostly made up of guys, so I can’t imagine the idea of a having a little sister wouldn’t hold some appeal. Beyond that though, it’s clear she’s not all that chummy with them, either (yeah, I’m lookin’ at you, jerk weequay boy). What Synara has with her crewmembers can’t be anything close to the friend-family bonds Tam has with her crew. Certainly, I doubt any of Syn’s “friends” would be so quick to rush out and help her in a fight. I’m not saying this guarantees that Synara will put her life of crime behind her and instead become BFFs with Tam, but the fact that Tam’s kindness seems to have made a real impression on her… I think there’s a chance they could still be sisters 🙂 I love stories where we follow an antagonist’s journey from baddie to hero. Will Synara join the ranks of the Ventresses and Kalluses of the galaxy? We can only wait and watch!

(Yes, I know I’m terribly behind on Resistance. I’ll keep working on it)

– Is that gorg here for lunch or a visit? And is it the same gorg from last time??
– Is it wrong that I rather admire the way Flix so classily calls Kaz an idiot? Perhaps it’s something about the guy’s voice…
– You make some really good friends, Kaz… when will the day come this guy becomes a better judge of character? Well, not with Tam and Neeku and all… I’m thinking more of the hotshots he hung out with a few episodes ago. And Synara, of course. Apparently…?
– Interesting. How long is “a while back”? Wonder why Synara waited so long to cause trouble. Well, that actually makes sense. She’s a smart pirate.
– Right, because you’re sooo good with dangerous people… you can barely handle Tam!
– Just noticed Kragan’s edgy-cool face tat. The #DesignGoals never stop around here!
– Oh, so now you want to be friendly, huh Synara? “Hey guys!! How’re my besties? I brought some potato chips! Get it? ‘Cause I got you guys that chip earlier?”
– This would be a good time for a Jedi mind trick. Too bad we don’t have any Jedi ’round here.
– Omg, there are two other lasat. That makes me feel better about the one who got eaten. They look awfully alike — I bet they’re brothers.
– Funny that Tam and Yeager hold their own pretty well in a fight, but Kaz? Well… Force’s just with him.
– Kaz is like, “OW. What is even the point of this shoulder armor?!”

Keep The Peace,
– Twilight

The Resistance Report: The High Tower

You guys, things are getting so good on Resistance, and that means it’s high-time I get bloggin’! Now don’t mind me… I’m just gonna take a casual visit to The High Tower and see what I can write on… *Sneaks on over in a Kaz-like manner* *Immediately trips over Bucket*

Contains spoilers from Episode VI and Resistance episodes The Recruit, Fuel For The Fire, and The High Tower


First of all WHOA YOU GUYS, THIS IS MY 200TH POST! I almost can’t believe I made it this far. Now back to my Resistance ramblings.

After watching Kaz make some less-than-stellar friends last time ’round, it’s really nice seeing him in a friendlier place with Tam and Neeku. Even if Tam still treats Bucket with more respect and Neeku’s still… Neeku. Ah well, the road to true friendship is not always easily-walked. But they’re looking a little more like a real crew-family already! Just seeing them chat over drinks gives me some warm fuzzies. It says to me that, despite their differences, Kaz genuinely appreciates their company and wants to be friends, not just a reluctant alliance with them that’s part of his secret job. It’s just too fun spending time with this fabulous threesome this episode. I love ’em more the more I get to know them!

And in particular today, we got to know more about Tam as Hype Fazon came into the picture. If there was one thing I knew about Hype before the series debuted (just from those early character introduction videos), it was that he looked like the last person someone like Tam would’ve been friends with. Hype was clearly the definition of “hotshot,” and Tam has never been one with the friendliest disposition… or so it seemed. But this fractured friendship might explain some of her edge. Will be interesting to dig into her past more. But as is true to just about everything Star Wars, I think this’ll be something we’ll be uncovering slowly, piece by piece.

Also, Hype Fazon is a pretty cool dude despite his Starkiller Base-sized ego. Honestly, I love ridiculously flawed characters like him… especially when they seem blissfully unaware of how flawed they really are XD And yes, he does get lots of points for his epic name. I think I might have to name someone or something after him. No, not my kid, that might be going too far…

OK, so remember back on my post for The Recruit, when I mentioned that I had a theory in mind as to who the First Order spy was? You can imagine my surprise when right off the bat, Aunt Z’s theory was the same as mine! I was kind of excited to think I might be right, but as the episode went on, my certainty waned. Prior to this episode, Captain Doza made sense because he was in a high place of power, and that power could go either way. Doza might be in the market for more power and want to work with the First Order, or, the First Order might be expecting him to share that power and he would have no choice. And as a writer, I liked that he’d also make for an unexpected traitor. All we saw of him in those character introductions was him being Torra’s worrisome, caring daddy. Who would suspect that? Having seen the episode now, I still don’t know. The truth might simply be the truth, and this makes Doza the spy… but this could just be a cleverly-devised red herring. Knowing Star Wars, I’d almost think it was the latter. Maybe it’s a little of both! Doza could be trouble, but someone else far more surprising might be the real trouble. Oh, how I love the twisting turns of a good mystery-laden plotline! It’s music to my analytical writer’s brain!

And we have to talk about Torra’s room, right? We can’t not! When I came out as Torra on the quiz, despite I knew we shared similarities, I couldn’t 100% see myself in her. But then I saw her toy collection. Plushies, action figures, and vehicle models? Well that’s settled, Torra Doza is just about exactly me! I need one of those teddy ewoks, and also that Sabine Wren original on her wall! It’s fun thinking on the hows and whys some of this stuff exists inside the SW galaxy. Like, I assume the teddy ewok was made because, after the Battle of Endor, their people gained much notoriety. But the Boushh action figure? I have no idea. Maybe Torra does customs? Either way, it’ll never stop being cool seeing such fun surprises in the Star Wars galaxy 😀 Also, this scene totally cracked me up in general… poor Kaz!

Yes, this episode is so much joy! *Shoots fists in the air like Neeku* I know there’s still a lot of Star Wars to talk about as the new year arrives, so hopefully I’ll catch you back here for a new post next week!

Keep the peace,
– Twilight