10 Awesome Moments From Exit From Endor

I’m finally blogging on the first of the Lego Droid Tales saga! Sorry it took so long… there’s just been too much to talk about as of late!

Now, I’m doing something a little different today; instead of writing a full-on commentary, I’m slimming it down to some of the episode’s most ingenious, funny, and clever moments! Considering it’s a retelling of Episodes I and II, retelling the episode just wouldn’t work. Anyway, let’s cut to the chase to 10 of the most awesome moments from Exit From Endor!

Contains spoilers from Episode I, Episode II, Episode III, Episode VI, The Empire Strikes Out, and Exit From Endor

Droid Tales is tons of fun, giving us the SW saga in a nutshell whilst peppering in great gags and poking fun at it (and sometimes at us fans) in the best way!

Well, mostly… I’m not the only one who finds Prequel politics fascinating, right?

1. Threepio Remembers!
I would say that a good 80% of Droid Tales couldn’t possibly be canon, but there are some things I sure would like to believe really happened. Like the fact Artoo had Threepio’s memory the whole time! I remember when I first heard about Droid Tales and I was confused as to why Threepio was telling said tales. Well, he’s pretty amazing at storytelling, as we see in Episode VI (those sound effects tho!) but his memory loss was a bit of a problem. I always felt bad that Threepio lost memory of all their grand adventures prior to the fall of the Republic, so this is a nice little bow tied to the end of all of this! 🙂

2. Best Name Ever…
What should I call you?
I’ve always been fond of the name ‘Kevin.’
Your name is C-3PO!”
Yup, that’s the future Darth Vader… only nine and he’s already crushing dreams XP Droid Tales really has fun making the connection between little Ani and Vader more obvious to a rather ridiculously hilarious point. This was probably my favorite of those moments… well, that and the “I didn’t do it by accident, I did it on purpose!” bit XD

Also, note that there’s a Lego instruction sheet of Threepio on his bedroom wall. PRICELESS.

3. Words Can Hurt You Know!
As if the “stunted slime” line wasn’t harsh enough… 😛

Also, I love the callbacks to The Empire Strikes Out with Darth Maul. I love that he clearly knows how awesome he is. Forget revenge — this is all about being awesome! If only his master got it… “You never let me be me!

Red flags! Get your red flags here!
Pfff yeah, I think we get it. But what the hooey, Anakin eventually destroyed the Emperor! Don’t blame Qui-Gon, mkay?! The real question is, why is Watto selling red flags? Probably because he can overcharge for ’em, I bet. (Whoops, I should know better than to bet in front of Watto.)

5. They’ve Got This (Mostly)
I love how they played up the “we’ll handle this” line with all those petrified little Naboo soldiers making a run for it XD But perhaps they were smart to do so… Sith are scary dudes.

Also, I love how they handled Qui-Gon’s noble end. I had no clue how Lego’s take on some of the more tragic or dark events would look like, but it worked well. It was honestly kind of funny the way it was played out, which is something I thought I’d never say about one of the most emotional parts of the film. But hey, that’s Lego for ya! ‘Course, Lego had no qualms about knocking the legs off of Maul; that happens a lot to him as a minifig XD

(Anyone else read that line in Ziro The Hutt’s voice? Sorry, wrong era.)

Nute Gunray’s reaction to little Ani approaching the Trade Federation blockade is gold. “AHH!! A LITTLE KID!!” *Dies laughing*

7. Attack On The Clones
Here’s a Queen Amidala, and there’s a Queen Amidala, and there’s another Queen Amidala, and guess what? We’ve got another Queen Amidala! Well, that’s one way to avoid assassinations… XD XD Really, this needs no further explanation, it’s just that funny.

8. Somebody Call For Me?

Great and powerful Michael Price, teach me your Lego-SW-writing ways! Though I imagine that drove the closed captioning people nuts…

“Maybe if you tried acting calmer…”

That pretty much sums up 90% of Anakin’s Episode II dialogue in one sentence. Poor boy was all kinds of grumpy and angsty back then, wasn’t he? Aw, we love you anyway, man! Hehe this is possibly my favorite line in the whole episode XD

10. Ackbar’s Slightly-Not-That-Sweet Ride
I adore the whole thing with Ackbar oogling over his “Daisy Mae,” but I also love the fact that his old ship is up to its gills in takeout wrappers XD Hehe, “up to its gills”… I made a mon calamari joke XD

Wow, I just realized I’ve really overused the XD emoticon in this post… but how else do I capture how hard these jokes made me laugh?

Of course, this is only scratching the surface of the great jokes and moments in this episode, but I think I put together a nice variety of the wonderful wacky witticisms of this awesome Lego special! And I can’t wait for all the new Tales yet to be told!

Keep the peace,
– Twilight